Each year the Mayor assigns Council Members to represent the City Council on regional and local committees. I'm proud to be assigned to the following for 2025-
Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)- Consists of one city council member from each of the 15 cities and one member from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. The PAC ensures that all jurisdictions within the county have access to the development of VTA's policies and forward these recommendations to the VTA Board of Directors. (Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm) http://santaclaravta.iqm2.com/Citizens/Board/1011-Policy-Advisory-Committee
Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority JPA Board Director/Ad-Hoc Legislative Committee Member- Thirteen communities in Santa Clara County formed a Joint Powers Agency named the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCE), a local non-profit public agency that will run a community-owned agency. For these communities, SVCE is your official electricity provider and I am continuing this year on the Board of Directors. We work in partnership with PG&E. We buy clean electricity directly from the source encouraging the kind of market growth and competition that results in more renewable energy and lower energy generation rates. PG&E continues to deliver electricity over existing infrastructure, maintain power lines and provide customer service. Your bill continues to come from PG&E, with SVCE’s lower generation charges replacing those from PG&E. (Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm) https://www.svcleanenergy.org
CalTrain Local Policy Maker Group (LPMG)- The Local Policy Maker Group (LPMG) is an advisory group, comprised of officials from the cities and counties along the Caltrain corridor. (Meetings are held fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm) https://www.caltrain.com/about-caltrain/advisory-committees/local-policy-maker-group
South County Youth Task Force Policy Team Member- The South County Youth Task Force (SCYTF) has Team Members from local and county governments and agencies, school districts, community and faith-based organizations, and law enforcement agencies in South County. All Team Members and their organizations or agencies are committed to serving, supporting, and uplifting our youth so that they have the opportunity to thrive. The SCYTF is organized into the Policy Team, the Technical Team, and Committees. The Policy Team is made up of executives from SCYTF member organizations and provides leadership, policy direction, evaluates emerging trends, and evaluates/monitors the Technical Team. The Technical Team is made up of direct-line staff and carries out the direction set by the Policy Team, uplifts and responds to issues and trends from youth, families, and community, and implements the Strategic Plan. SCYTF Committees include Technical Team and Policy Team members. The Committees focus on specific goals and issues and are composed of Policy Team and Technical Team Members. https://www.scyouththrive.org (Meets the 3rd Wednesday’s of odd-numbered months 10am-12pm alternating between Gilroy and Morgan Hill).
Santa Clara Expressway Plan 2040 Policy Advisory Board (PAB) Alternate- The 2040 County Expressway Plan will examine existing conditions of all the expressways in Santa Clara County and provide updates to identified expressway improvement projects outlined in 2008 including making new or revised recommendations for improvements per expressway. (Meets 5 times per year at 6:30 p.m., SCC Board of Supervisors Chambers, 70 W. Hedding St. San Jose.)
Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Alternate- Appointed by the Cities Selection Committee for 2025-2028, representing all cities in Santa Clara County except San Jose. LAFCO is a state mandated independent local agency established to oversee the boundaries of cities and special districts in Santa Clara County. By 1963, the landscape of Santa Clara County was undergoing radical change. The economic, social, and geographic terrains had been shifting in response to a post-war surge of new residents settling in the county. Housing and business development boomed, but the growth was piecemeal and disorderly. One result of this period was a sprawling suburban area that became difficult and costly to manage and to efficiently provide with urban services such as sewer and water lines. Another result was the permanent loss of prime farmlands, making it difficult for California’s largest industry at that time to sustain itself in a previously abundant agricultural valley. By order of the State, LAFCOs are charged with stewarding the future of their counties. In Santa Clara County, LAFCO has curbed the loss of agricultural lands, encouraged the densification and walkability of our cities, increased regional climate resilience, and promoted the cost-effective delivery of services that are funded by taxpayers. https://santaclaralafco.org